- Allow railroads to track the location of railcars and locomotives
- Allow companies and governments to bid on be awarded railcars and locomotives
- Track trains separately from cars/locomotives on tracks
- Track fuel usage to get consumption average
- Charge governments/companies for the movement of equipment via Invoices
- Utilize email notifications for various events
- Automated process to apply awarded interest to all bank accounts
- Ability to cap interest earned by total cash/entity
- Cash/debit cards for player, company, and government accounts
- Display shelves
- Cash Register
- Fluid meter
- No returns yet
- Update Ticked Save to mitigate current lag spike problem
- Create various stores throughout Mesabrook to be shopped from
- Ravenholm Zombie Food Stuffs must be built and operational
- Players will receive a static amount of cash
- Players will purchase items throughout the country
- Possibly find and purchase select items as a goal?
- Input task details and reward amount
- Tasks to be reviewed by a supervisor once complete
- Taxed Payout after supervisor approves
- A place to view and manage bank accounts
- View/challenge citations/arrests
- Apply for jobs at companies
- Complete tasks for companies hired on at
- Players and companies are able to apply for bankrupcty
- Players, companies, and governments are able to view bankruptcy information for anyone
- All debts are forgiven
- An automotive factory must be built and operational
- Build a permanent lumber yard in/around Sodor City
- Players will start with no cash
- Players will hire on with various companies to make cash
- Possibly find and purchase select items as a goal?
- Will need to purchase vehicles, housing, etc.
- Industrial, Commercial, Residential, Government
- Numbered Addresses and Streets
- Ability to setup property tax for properties, billed to current owner
- License plate tracking for Government, Company, or Player
- Automotive Licenses for players
- Detain players and have them move with the detaining player/force to ride entities
- Issue citations
- Functional jailing of players
- If someone dies, they get spectator mode for x amount of minutes without being able to do anything
- Possibly limited to a specific area surrounding their death?
- Disable spectator block clipping
- Shout-out to Discord user Mašla06 / jblaccount for this idea!
- A full Mesabrook testing experience starting from scratch
- A full Mesabrook experience starting from scratch
- Admins are encouraged to try to play in survival, but can switch to creative for any reason
- Introduction lore is created
- Alpha bugs are fixed
- A full Mesabrook experience starting from scratch
- Admins are strongly encouraged to play in survival, switching to creative should be avoided whenever possible. Try to solve problems in survival instead.
- Server remains open in beta! Bug/experience fixes are rolled out incrementally
- Mesabrook officially opens for the public
- Admins are no longer allowed to switch to creative mode except in extreme circumstances. Requires council approval to do so.